The Cilento is an ancient land of myths, art, history and culture
Cilento, that is the Western Lucania region, is a mountainous subregion of the Campania, in the province of Salerno, in the southern part of the region, that was declared UNESCO World Heritage site.
Until the creation of the National Park of Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni, Cilento's territory was located among the villages at the base of the Monte della Stella (1.131 m) and those at the East of the Alento river. For actual reasons it was decided to extend the Cilento in much of the coastal area and the inner one at the South of Salerno.
Once Cilento was part of the Lucania (with the Vallo di Diano and the gulf of Policastro). There are some signs in the dialect, in the cooking traditions and in toponymy.

Marina di Casal Velino
Small fishing village, whose origins are really ancient. Since ancient times, it was one of the harbours of the old city of Elea-Velia, that was really important for trades. With its 7 km long beach, Marina di Casal Velino is one of the most typical centers in all the Cilento.

The ruins of Velia
The excavations, close to the railway and not so far from Ascea Marina, are daily open. The ruins of the ancient city are the harbour area, the Marine door, the pink door, Hellenistic and Roman baths, the Agorà, the Acropolis, the Southern District.

The Cilento
Cilento is a land of myths, art, history and culture. Anyone visiting the Cilento, cannot fail to be enchanted by its territory and its landscapes. Cilento National Park offers its visitors countless tourist trails and iteniraries.